Started in 2005, the IADD is a non-profit, professional organization dedicated to:

  • Promoting the directional drilling industry
  • Increasing the competency of our members—we do this through meetings, forums, conferences, educational programs and publications

There are many good professional organizations, but none dedicated specifically to directional drilling. The IADD focuses solely on the various facets of the directional drilling industry and engages all parties to make a difference in how we drill every day.

Our Values

  • Be a professional, personable & approachable organization who is committed to advancing directional drilling
  • Be focused on continuous improvement and exchanging timely and relevant information (equipment, design & techniques)
  • Connect like-minded people within the industry who want to learn and make a positive impact

Our Mission

  • Be an organization of integrity and compassion that informs, educates, and inspires its members to make a positive difference in the directional drilling industry and their communities.

Our Vision

  • With a servant spirit, be the leading catalyst for change by offering a platform for companies and individuals to expand their knowledge and network as a means for improving the industry’s stewardship of our natural resources.
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